» This Whole World: The Complete Beach Boys Single And EP Cover Collection


Earcandy, June 2004:

THIS WHOLE WORD is a godsend to vinyl record collectors that specialize in the Beach Boys. Truly a monumental task - this book documents all of the Beach Boys 45 rpm's and EP's from all over the world (hence the clever title and wordplay on the Beach Boys song "This Whole World"). Listed alphabetically by country, the full-color photo of every release is shown, along with estimated value. If there was not a picture sleeve issued for a single, the label is shown instead (including label variations). Also, obscurities, solo and Beach Boys-related 45's are shown. This lavish book also has introduction text for each country, explaining the release policy of each country in regards to the Beach Boys. While the book is originally printed in Germany and has German text, it also has English translations.
Although I'm not a 45 collector, it is fascinating to see the various picture sleeve art (truly a lost art form with the advent of the compact disc) and how it changes from country to country. Some countries even used the same picture on up to six different releases! Remember those old "Album Cover Album" books, which displayed various album covers in an "art" context? Well, THIS WHOLD WORLD does the same for the picture sleeve cover art of the Beach Boys' 45s.
So, crank up your favorite Beach Boys' album (or CD's for you youngsters) and visit your very own Beach Boys art museum in the luxury of your own home.

Wolfgang Doebeling, German Rolling Stone, July 2004 (4 stars out of 5)

THIS WHOLE WORLD by Manfred Schmidt and Christian Haschke is the"Complete Beach Boys Single & EP Cover Collection", like the subtitle doesn´t understate. On 300 colored pages sleeves from any country were showed - classic, obscure, profane and quaint, ultimate cool and horrible in bad style. Fans, who have joy at aesthetic 7inch-artefacts, will cheer. Collectors, who get indicated to big vacancies and extrapolate the showed current value will come into brood. Just wouldn´t the haptic moment be so mighty. As i-Pod philistine life is much cheaper and comfortable.

Billy Hinsche

I think this is a fantastic concept for a Beach Boys-related book! The vivid photos and graphics are colorful, often unique, and capture some of the magic of that carefree era. Clearly, the research has been thorough in the compilation of these wonderful picture sleeves. This book will make a wonderful addition to anyone's library.

Beach Boys.com (4 1/2 stars out of five)

A truly beautiful book of full color pictures of every known Beach Boys single and EP cover from all over the world, This Whole World is both fun for casual fans' perusal, and invaluable for hard-core collectors who are eager to see what is still needed for their own collections. Published in Germany, the book's text is bi-ligual, but easy to navigate, with the covers listed in order by country, covering all major marketplaces, from Argentina to Yugoslavia, and each chapter has a written introduction which prefaces the different approach that each country took to "sell" the Beach Boys. Some countries produced unique and beautiful covers, such as Italy and France, while others printed full lyrics on each release (Japan.) Besides the singles and EP's, the book provides full-color reproductions of all the different labels which the Beach Boys were featured on in each country, chronologically mapping out the changes in styles through the years. The notations for each cover include with label is matched with the cover, the price range buyers can expect to pay due to rarity, the catalog number of each release, and various notes for interesting or unusual covers. Also included are solo releases for the Beach Boys, including releases by The Honeys, American Spring, Celebration, Wilson Philips, and more. A couple of nits, however: there are several typos throughout, due to either translation errors, or poor editing, as well as chart information for only the U.S., England, and Germany - it would have been nice to have chart information for each country - but those are very minor qualms. This book is a godsend, a true labor of love - and it's worth seeking out for all Beach Boys fans.


Such an illustrated book is foremost for collectors interesting. The pragmatic component is, that you can check your own collection with the shown price range (as in my case mostly disillusion took place). But "This Whole World" is also an effectiv chronic about the history of the Beach Boys: Clearer than ever you will see, that their way was always paved with their image problem. It´s like a thread from the mid sixties to the late seventies, as the band resigned and in the early nineties in last consequence made common cause with "Baywatch". Till then you will see plenty of beautiful, aslope, quaint, fancy and awkward cover, fondly compiled with some rare pictures, that will surprise sometimes even owners of the out of stock books by John Tobler and Ken Barnes. Highly recommended.

Oldie Markt (Nr. 6/2004)

Yet, "THIS WHOLE WORLD" is a book that every fan of the Californian has to call his own. It´s easy to explain because the title of this book is no overstatement, just a realistic description of the contents.
Here you have the singles labels and picture cover which were released from Argentina to Venezuela. Remarkable is the excellent print quality of the pictures which are not only pin sharp and in sufficient largeness so that you can see little details but also alsolutely accurate in reprint of the colours.
The price is not too high, for a book like that it´s by all means cheap.

GoodTimes (Nr. 3/2004)

This book considers the interests of many people: Collectors, Secondhand-bargainer and music lovers "only" have now a brilliant reference book in remarkable printing quality.
At the beginning of each country you get a short but good introduction in english and german, then you will see the different labels and afterwards the picture cover (even sometimes the backcover if they have a special impact).

Kingsley Abbott , Record Collector 8/2004

This new book arranges the covers by country, and we quickly see how countries like Italy, Japan and Holland were more inventive while Spain and England stayed closer to the company design line. While the book doesn't reveal much that is graphically radical, it's obviously fascinating for hardcore Beach Boys fans, and still attractive to the casual fan as it includes many attractive examples of a still-undervalued art form. Enjoy!

Medium Books (book of the month)

Monumental book with every (!) worldwide published Beach Boys singles and EPs ...


Great book, not only for fans.
This book is long overdue. It contains every single and ep cover worldwide that has ever been released. And that in color! Also you get the equivalent label and even sometimes the back cover. The quality is brilliant. On nearly 300 pages the pictures are in printed in 2,2 x 2,2 inch (5,5 x 5,5 cm). You also get many infos to the singles. The price is absolutely justified for this hardcover book.
Even for other bands a book like that hasn´t been published yet. I can only highley recommend it.

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